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Think/Point/Shoot: Media Ethics Technology and Global Change (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Think/Point/Shoot: Media Ethics Technology and Global Change (Hardcover)
Product Description

Think/Point/Shoot gives students a thorough overview of the role of ethics in modern media creation. Case studies emphasize the critical issues in global media ethics today in all stages of media creation from preproduction research and development to production and post production. This volume features practicing filmmakers journalists and media creators who provide insight into dealing with real-world ethical dilemmas. For this era digital imagery sounds and web communication have opened doors to sharing thoughts and ideas instantaneously to potentially vast audiences. This presents exciting opportunities but also serious ethical legal and social challenges. The cases and exercises found in this book are applicable to the current media field while still remaining grounded in strong ethical theory. Think/Point/Shoot explains the challenge of communicating a story to a worldwide audience while maintaining ethical standards. A companion website provides additional resources for students and instructors: media ethics game chapter summaries and case studies important forms Instructors will also find: classroom exercises PowerPoints video from the Global Media Ethics Conference from March 2013

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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