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Dry Roasted Whole Cashews 3 Pounds — Kosher Vegan — by Food to Live

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Product Name
Dry Roasted Whole Cashews 3 Pounds — Kosher Vegan — by Food to Live
Product Description

Out of all nuts Roasted Cashews happen to be the favorite of many. Dry Roasted Cashews by Food to Live are especially delicious both as a snack and as a versatile culinary ingredient. Being roasted in the oven without any oil and salt - gives our cashews a distinct rich nutty flavor and a super-crunchy texture. Besides being a wholesome and vitamin-packed snack Dry Roasted Cashew Nuts’ culinary uses are endless too. You can use them as a garnish incorporate them into sauces and add to numerous stir-fry dishes. Try mixing them into your salads or use as coating for fried meat or fish. Dry Roasted Cashews with no salt are a delicious addition to baked desserts or as a topping for cereal and yogurts. Add them to your smoothies acai-bowls or into a DIY trail-mix. Oh and don’t forget that Roasted Cashews is an absolute must ingredient for a homemade charcuterie board.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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