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Core Power Elite High Protein Shake with 42g Protein by fairlife Milk, Vanilla, 14 fl oz

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Product Name
Core Power Elite High Protein Shake with 42g Protein by fairlife Milk, Vanilla, 14 fl oz
Product Description

Whether you’re working towards a new personal record or you’re just trying to stay fit, you should make the most of your workouts, which includes your recovery. That’s why Core Power protein shakes are designed to help you refuel, rebuild, rehydrate and recover from your workout. With Core Power Elite Vanilla, you get a protein shake that’s packed with 42g of high quality protein, all 9 essential amino acids, electrolytes and the smooth taste of vanilla. Its high quality protein from fairlife ultra-filtered milk helps you recover after each and every workout. These delicious ready-to-drink protein shakes come in a variety of different flavors, so you can always satisfy your taste buds. Fueled by fairlife ultra-filtered milk, Core Power Elite is about helping you recover after a workout so you feel good and can tackle the rest of your day. Recover & Build Lean Muscle.

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Last updated
February 26, 2025

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