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Blue's Clues Toppers for Kids - 12 Blue’s Clues Toys for Birthday Party

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Product Name
Blue's Clues Toppers for Kids - 12 Blue’s Clues Toys for Birthday Party
Product Description

Get a whole set of toppers: Blue’s Clues toys to play with, start a collection, or throw a Blue’s Clues theme party! ✔ Entire collection: 12 figures in 1 deluxe box leave colorful marks on copybooks, journals, and diaries to show your love for Blues+Clues the figures come in different poses two different Blue toppers in the collection (walking and sitting) includes joyous Magenta! ✔ These kids’ toys are collectibles: get the total of 12 characters classic characters included: Josh, some members of the Spice family, Shovel and Pail, Sidetable Drawer, Slippery Soap, and Tickety Tock Spices include Paprika, Cinnamon, and Mr. Salt colors and features are just like in the cartoon ✔ Use these toys as Blues Clues birthday or party supplies or even décor: topper toys for kids who love the Blue Blues happy and colorful universe perfect complements to your kid’s topper kit organize a theme party by giving a topper set to each kid inspire children to act out episodes of the show and have as much fun as Blue does with her friends

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Last updated
September 5, 2024

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