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Women Changing Climates and Changing Agricultural Yields (Paperback)

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Product Name
Women Changing Climates and Changing Agricultural Yields (Paperback)
Product Description

This book lends valuable insight into the gendered dimensions of the impact of climate change on subsistence farming in Cameroon so seriously unattended. Building on the voices and experiences of often marginalized local peoples in the Cameroon grassland the book delivers an informative exploration of the ways in which women s crucial engagement with subsistence agriculture is currently being undermined by incidences of climate change. Challenges such as erratic seasonal patterns;shifting planting seasons;increase in weed production;poorer crop yields;loss of income and resulting emotional and financial stresses mean that women-the indispensible providers of food home care and agricultural production are forced to stretch further in order to accommodate extra burdens related to adaptation and mitigation.However these realities are not confined to the rural women of Cameroon.They echo the constant struggle of rural women across Africa and the larger south as they attempt to maintain a precariously balanced equilibrium on a scale that seems permanently tipped against them. Gender sensitive policies are thus urgently needed to address these plethoric and often confounding challe

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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