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Think Healthy Choose Healthy : Make Healthier Dietary and Lifestyle Choices Through the Holistic Approach of Nutrition and Ayurveda (Hardcover)

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Think Healthy Choose Healthy : Make Healthier Dietary and Lifestyle Choices Through the Holistic Approach of Nutrition and Ayurveda (Hardcover)
Product Description

Think Healthy Choose Healthy is the book that integrates holistic health. It is a practical approach to healthy living that does not require you to follow any extreme measures. Rather this book guides you through how to create your ideal wellness plan and how to make healthier choices in this unhealthy world. Varsha s unique approach is laid out in a simple manner that aims to simplify healthy living making it clear that healthy living is about finding the right balance. It is not an all-or-nothing approach. This book covers the main areas of holistic healthy living such as nutrition sleep exercise and self-care but also addresses the importance of digestion and the immune system. By the end of the book you will have created a plan that works for your own body-type using the concept of the three doshas in Ayurveda as a foundation to which you can build upon so that you continue to make practical healthier choices.

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March 4, 2025

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