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Imax: Journey to Space (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray 3D) Shout Factory Special Interests

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Product Name
Imax: Journey to Space (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray 3D) Shout Factory Special Interests
Product Description

Brilliantly narrated by film and television legend Sir Patrick Stewart Journey To Space gives a sweeping overview of humanity s accomplishments in space as well as our ongoing activities and future plans. Journey To Space puts into historical context the magnificent contributions made by the Space Shuttle program and it s intrepid space pioneers. It uses the most spectacular space footage including unique views of Earth and operations in space such as deploying and repairing the Hubble Space Telescope. It then goes on to show how the shuttle launched and assembled the International Space Station (ISS). Together these programs have taught us how to live build and conduct science in space. The ISS will continue operating in space until 2024 and the film shows how it is building a foundation for the next giant leaps into space concluding with a fascinating realistic scenario of how astronauts will actually get to Mars live there for long durations and then return home after a two-and-a-half-year mission.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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