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Basic Techniques of Conducting (Spiral-Bound)

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Product Name
Basic Techniques of Conducting (Spiral-Bound)
Product Description

Systematic practical and thorough Basic Techniques of Conducting offers a clear instructional strategy and a basic methodology for teaching the physical gestures and concepts essential for the development of a convincing conducting technique. Taking a competency-based approach this text provides a clear step-by-step system for mastering the physical gestures required for good conducting. Paying special attention to the psychomotor skills needed for clear and expressive conducting it establishes a solid foundation on which to build an advanced and personal conducting style. Based on ten years of teaching and class-testing the text is carefully organized to establish essential conducting skills over a one-semester period. Each of the thirty lessons introduces basic conducting techniques in a developmental sequence and includes a review of previous techniques guided practice segments for group practice of new techniques and assignment sections for independent study and practice. The text is fully illustrated with many conducting diagrams photographs of hand and body movements and numerous musical examples for directed conducting practice. Emphasizing complete musical examples rather than short excerpts it features both choral and instrumental exercises for drill and practice. Engaging and accessible Basic Techniques of Conducting offers all of the content necessary to build a solid foundation of conducting skills for all vocal and instrumental music education majors.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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