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Equate Beauty Intense Therapy Lotion 16.9 fl oz

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Product Name
Equate Beauty Intense Therapy Lotion 16.9 fl oz
Product Description

Equate Beauty Intense Therapy Lotion is designed to provide extended relief of painful dry skin symptoms. This formula focuses on nourishing extremely dry skin and offering an intense moisture barrier to retain a healthy skincare regimen. This lotion is made with a gentle combination of fragrance-free moisturizing ingredients. This formulation helps moisturize dry flaky skin effectively without unwanted irritation and burning. Equate beauty dry skin cream helps to keep skin hydrated especially during the cold weather season when the skin is most vulnerable to drying out flaking and cracking. For best results apply generously to areas affected by dryness. Massage into these areas and use as often as necessary to thoroughly moisturize the skin throughout the day. Equate Beauty Intense Therapy Lotion comes in an easy pump 16.9 fl oz bottle to provide instant relief to dry and itchy skin. Use this lotion on any skin type to provide moisture therapy.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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