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2024-2025 Organized by Happy Planner MW Academic Planner 8.5 x 11 Positive & Playful

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2024-2025 Organized by Happy Planner MW Academic Planner 8.5 x 11 Positive & Playful
Product Description

Organized by Happy Planner is the complete planning solution. The academic layout is perfect for teachers and students. This dated 12-month planner runs from July 2024-June 2025. It comes with clear anti-scratch covers with a full color design sheet. The 12 dividers feature 6 groovy designs pastel hues tones and laminated tabs. This planner features a metal twin loop binding—a streamlined design perfect for your backpack or work tote. The academic layout features an unlabeled vertical column for classes/subjects and vertical boxes for each day of the week. It includes a section to list priorities and any additional notes.

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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