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ELIZABETH IRWIN: Everything You Need to Ace English Language Arts in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide (Paperback)

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ELIZABETH IRWIN: Everything You Need to Ace English Language Arts in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide (Paperback)
Product Description

It s the revolutionary English language arts study guide just for middle school students from the brains behind Brain Quest . Everything You Need to Ace English Language Arts . . . takes students from grammar to reading comprehension to writing with ease including parts of speech active and passive verbs Greek and Latin roots and affixes; nuances in word meanings; textual analysis authorship structure and other skills for reading fiction and nonfiction; and writing arguments informative texts and narratives. The BIG FAT NOTEBOOK(TM) series is built on a simple and irresistible conceit--borrowing the notes from the smartest kid in class. There are five books in all and each is the only book you need for each main subject taught in middle school: Math Science American History English Language Arts and World History. Inside the reader will find every subject s key concepts easily digested and summarized: Critical ideas highlighted in neon colors. Definitions explained. Doodles that illuminate tricky concepts in marker. Mnemonics for memorable shortcuts. And quizzes to recap it all. The BIG FAT NOTEBOOKS meet Common Core State Standards Next Generation Science Standards and state history standards and are vetted by National and State Teacher of the Year Award-winning teachers. They make learning fun and are the perfect next step for every kid who grew up on Brain Quest .

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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