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The Changing Face of Consumerism (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Changing Face of Consumerism (Paperback)
Product Description

The Changing Face of Consumerism could be considered to be the equivalent of Roland Barthes Mythologies for the Facebook / Credit Crunch generation. Based on a series of blog posts penned between 2007 and 2013 The Changing Face of Consumerism charts one man s experience of a rapidly evolving consumer culture during the credit crunch and recession years. The Changing Face of Consumerism presents a snapshot of an eventful time in modern history from the demise of MySpace and the local record store to the rise of the Kindle and the resurgent popularity of home-brewed beer. Ponderous insightful wry and sometimes splenetic Nosnibor s writing is sharp and keenly observed making The Changing Face of Consumerism an essential read for anyone with an interest in the effects of late capitalism on day-today life.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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