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Sentosphere - Bijoux En Folie

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Product Name
Sentosphere - Bijoux En Folie
Product Description

With this creative kit children will be able to create their own bracelets with window Colors! This creative kit contains 3 transparent bracelets that can be painted and repainted using 10 translucent stained-glass Colors. Children will love creating their own items of jewellery! This can also be a perfect activity for a birthday party. Our tips & tricks Once the window Color paint is dry you can remove it from your rings with the help of a toothpick or the tip of a pen. You can then start over by painting the patterns with new Colors. With the excess of window Color paints you can also create beautiful drawings to decorate your windows refrigerator or any cold surface in your house. You can use a plastic sleeve to continue using this kit once you are done making your mobile. Here are the easy steps to follow: Put a drawing inside the plastic sleeve Draw the outlines with window Color paint Leave to dry and fill in the rest of the shape with window Color paint After a few hours the paint will be completely dry and translucent. You can now place it on your windows refrigerator or any cold surface You can reposition your creations as much as you want! content: 3 plexiglass bracelets 10 tubes of stained-glass paint

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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