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LANNEY Crochet Hooks Set 40pcs Ergonomic Soft Grip Kitting Needles for Arthritic Hands Size 2mm(b)-10mm(n) with Case

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Product Name
LANNEY Crochet Hooks Set 40pcs Ergonomic Soft Grip Kitting Needles for Arthritic Hands Size 2mm(b)-10mm(n) with Case
Product Description

With the popularity of arts and crafts crocheting a fun and versatile craft for people of all ages has become a preferred choice for many. At this point you ll need a complete crochet hook set to embark on your creative journey. Why choose LANNEY s crochet hooks? It includes crochet hook with ergonomic soft rubber handles each hook is labeled with letters and numbers for easy identification three different sizes of large-eye blunt needles perfect for marking pattern stitches starting and ending points stitch markers a portable ring cutter measuring tape and plastic sewing needles. It also comes with a pink bag for convenient organization and carrying making it the perfect gift for craft enthusiasts of different ages and levels of experience.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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