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The Seven Five (DVD) Ifc Independent Film Documentary

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Product Name
The Seven Five (DVD) Ifc Independent Film Documentary
Product Description

During the crack cocaine explosion of the late 80s and early 90s Michael Dowd a New York City police officer brazenly led a crew of crooked cops to build his own empire in East New York. Labeled The Dirtiest Cop Ever Dowd turned the department s 75th Precinct into a den of corruption both protecting and robbing drug dealers while lining his own pockets to the point of bursting with cash and drugs. His arrest in 1992 led to the largest police corruption scandal in New York City history. Packed with interviews with both those who broke the law and those who protected it THE SEVEN FIVE is the ultimate investigation of the notorious events for the first time putting the audience inside the cars - and the minds - of these crooked cops.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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