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Statistical Language and Speech Processing: Third International Conference Slsp 2015 Budapest Hungary November 24-26 2015 Proceedings (Paperback)

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Product Name
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: Third International Conference Slsp 2015 Budapest Hungary November 24-26 2015 Proceedings (Paperback)
Product Description

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing SLSP 2015 held in Budapest Hungary in November 2015. The 26 full papers presented together with two invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 71 submissions. The papers cover topics such as: anaphora and coreference resolution; authorship identification plagiarism and spam filtering; computer-aided translation; corpora and language resources; data mining and semantic Web; information extraction; information retrieval; knowledge representation and ontologies; lexicons and dictionaries; machine translation; multimodal technologies; natural language understanding; neural representation of speech and language; opinion mining and sentiment analysis; parsing; part-of-speech tagging; question-answering systems; semantic role labelling; speaker identification and verification; speech and language generation; speech recognition; speech synthesis; speech transcription; spelling correction; spoken dialogue systems; term extraction; text categorisation; text summarisation; and user modeling.

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