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Parasitic Drain Tester

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Product Name
Parasitic Drain Tester
Product Description

Features and Benefits: Provides an easy method to connect a multimeter to the Vehicle Electrical System to diagnose hidden battery drain Replaceable in-line fuses protect both the meter and tester in the event a high current source on the vehicle is left on The multimeter is bypassed with the switch during connection in case of a power surge The tester and meter can remain connected until other computer systems shut down isolating the drain As a convenience stacking banana connectors are used on the tester. This allows voltage to be measured on various locations on the vehicle during the drain test using standard test leads Provides an Easy Method to Connect a Multimeter to the Vehicle Electrical System to Diagnose Hidden Battery Drain.Replaceable in-line fuses protect both the meter and tester in the event a high current source on the vehicle is left on. The multimeter is bypassed with the switch during connection in case of a power surge. The tester and meter can remain connected until other computer systems shut down isolating the drain. As a convenience stacking banana connectors are used on the tester. This allows voltage to be measured on various locations on the vehicle during the drain test using standard test leads.

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Last updated
December 14, 2024

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