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Managing Physical Stress with Therapeutic Massage (Paperback)

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Product Name
Managing Physical Stress with Therapeutic Massage (Paperback)
Product Description

With a growing number of individuals seeking massage treatment to relieve physical stress massage therapists and other relevant health professionals must have a basic understanding of how to appropriately manage these increasing client demands. Managing Physical Stress with Therapeutic Massage is the only book available that addresses how health professionals can utilize massage therapy to identify and manage client physical stress. Designed around the innovative Personal Stress Inventory this highly visual resource provides specific techniques assessment and troubleshooting tools to identify track and reduce physical stress. With step-by-step procedures covering everything from developing an anti-stress plan to breathing techniques for stress reduction to performing self massage this book is sure to be an indispensable resource for massage and allied health professionals in a variety of practice settings.

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Last updated
February 26, 2025

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