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Mindtap Course List Milady s Standard Barbering (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Mindtap Course List Milady s Standard Barbering (Hardcover)
Product Description

Milady Standard Barbering 6th edition continues to be the leading resource in barbering education providing the foundational principles and techniques needed to be successful while in school pass the licensing exam and launch yourself into a thriving career. Incorporating new photography artwork and overall layout the look and feel of this edition has been transformed resulting in a sleek and clean design. Content has been updated within each chapter with a major focus on the procedures infection control life skills and business chapters just to name a few. In addition classic techniques have been paired with contemporary looks to ensure success both while in school and beyond to employment. As the only textbook that provides an integrated set of resources to enhance the learning process this new edition continues its long history of setting the standard in barbering education.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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