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The College Administrator s Survival Guide (Hardcover) by C K Gunsalus

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Product Name
The College Administrator s Survival Guide (Hardcover) by C K Gunsalus
Product Description

9780674023154. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 264. Sewn binding. Paper over boards. With dust jacket. 264 p. Late one afternoon as you are organizing your new office as department chair one of the senior members of the department drops by. He affably informs you of his plans for the coming semester: that contrary to the published class schedule he only teaches on Tuesday afternoon Wednesday and Thursday morning so as to have the weekends free for travel; that he expects the office staff to start his coffeemaker by 10 a.m. sharp on his teaching days; and that since he hasn t been assigned a research assistant his teaching assistant will do research tasks including errands. What do you say? What do you do? Never mind budgets or curriculum reform: staff problems can be the most thorny of any academic administrator s job. Every day professors who have never run anything bigger than a seminar find themselves in charge of a complex and volatile organization called a Department of English (or Biology or Sociology or Textile Marketing). What should they do? In this book a widely respected advisor on academic administration and ethics offers tips insights and tools on handling complaints negotiating disagreements responding to accusations of misconduct and dealing with difficult personalities. With humor and generosity C. K. Gunsalus applies scenarios based on real-life cases examples from negotiation law and child-rearing to guide novice (and experienced) academic administrators through the dilemmas of management in not-entirely-manageable environments.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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