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Oxbow Animal Health Western Timothy Hay for Pets 15-Ounce

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Product Name
Oxbow Animal Health Western Timothy Hay for Pets 15-Ounce
Product Description

Looking for a good basic grass hay with high quality nutrition and a fresh fragrance that’s irresistible to small herbivores? Oxbow Western Timothy Hay is the ideal long-strand fiber source for keeping small animal digestive tracts functioning properly. Our most popular grass hay—with high fiber low protein and low calcium content—is widely recommended by veterinarians. Oxbow Animal Health was the first pet food company to introduce timothy hay as a staple in the small animal diet. It is now an industry standard. Sizes: 15 oz 40 oz and 9lb.Western Timothy grass hay with high-fiber low-protein and low-calcium content helps keep the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits and small herbivores functioning properly.Western Timothy hay will help prevent obesity maintain a healthy urinary system and improve overall health. A high-fiber diet will also lower the incidence of soft stools intestinal gas and bloating. Timothy hay is the most widely recommended hay by veterinarians for rabbits guinea pigs chinchillas and other herbivores. Its fresh fragrance encourages consumption.Hay is absolutely vital to the health of small herbivores. It provides not only nutrition but environmental enrichment that mimics the animal s natural habitat. Western Timothy provides a long-strand fiber source that is needed to improve the digestive and intestinal function by stimulating the digestive system.Feeding animals free-choice hay promotes a natural chewing behavior and helps prevent molar spurs and other teeth problems so common in these small herbivores.100% Timothy Hay. Preservative and additive free. Loose hay contains stems leaves and limited seed heads.

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Last updated
February 12, 2025

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