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Veronese Design Christ Pantocrator Book Shaped Trinket Box

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Product Name
Veronese Design Christ Pantocrator Book Shaped Trinket Box
Product Description

In Christian iconography Christ Pantocrator refers to a specific depiction of Christ holding the New Testament in his left hand and making the gesture of teaching or blessing with his right. This beautiful bronzed trinket box depicts such an image on what looks like the cover of an ornate book. Made of cold-cast resin it measures 3 3/4 inches wide 2 inches tall and 4 1/2 inches long and has a felt-lined base to prevent it from scratching delicate surfaces. The bronzed finish gives this piece the look of metal with hand-painted accents that add a subtle hint of color. It is wonderfully detailed from the decorative spine to the end of a bookmark peeking from the pages. It makes a wonderful gift for a friend and looks lovely anywhere in your home or office.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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