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Contemporary Cinematographers on Their Art (Paperback)

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Product Name
Contemporary Cinematographers on Their Art (Paperback)
Product Description

The twelve interviews in this book cover all aspects of cinematography from pre-production planning to post-production special effects aerial photography and second unit. Each interview gives a behind-the-scenes look at how some of the most popular shots in movies and television shows were lit and captured. Technically and philosophically oriented Contemporary Cinematographers on Their Art explores the tools trends personalities and professional achievements of contemporary cinematographers highlighting the behind-the-scenes struggles of the business of making motion pictures. Each chapter delves into the personal challenges political properties inter-departmental interactions and artistic achievements of the artists who bring scripts to life through their choice of cameras lights lenses filters gels and other supporting equipment.Covering a variety of film and television genres--from soaps to half-hour sitcoms to cable and network productions and low- and big-budget features--each interview explores the tools cinematographers use to capture their shots from traditional equipment to innovative camera and lighting toys as well as the integration of mechanical and computer graphic effects.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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