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Freshness Guaranteed Mango Chunks, 10 oz

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Product Name
Freshness Guaranteed Mango Chunks, 10 oz
Product Description

Freshness Guaranteed Mango Chunks are the perfect way to add some island fruit sweetness to your day. These mango chunks are perfect for making homemade smoothies or for snacking on between meals for a quick pick me up. You can serve this fruit plain or with fresh whipped cream, vanilla and nutmeg. You can also add these delicious, juicy mango chunks to fruit salads, ice cream, yogurt or milkshakes. You can also use these as a special treat to be served with cereal, pancakes or waffles. They are also great as a topping on coffee cake and other desserts or breakfast recipes. Freshness Guaranteed Mango Chunks are packaged in a plastic container with a removable lid for easy storage. Keep a taste of the tropics on hand with Freshness Guaranteed Mango Chunks.Freshness Guaranteed provides you and your family with high-quality fresh food that saves you time and money, many of which are cooked fresh or prepared in stores. Convenient solutions with value added in every Freshness Guaranteed item.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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