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Equate Tight Mint Interdental Straight Brushes Antibacterial Caps Adults Tight Bristles 20 Count

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Product Name
Equate Tight Mint Interdental Straight Brushes Antibacterial Caps Adults Tight Bristles 20 Count
Product Description

Compare to GUM Proxabrush Go-Betweens Cleaners Standard. Clean where toothbrushes can t with Interdental Brushes. Great for bridges and braces these brushes are engineered to access tight spaces to remove plaque and trapped food debris. The flexible comfort grip handle is easy to hold and control and the brush head can bend 90 degrees to comfortably reach back teeth. Each hi-performance brush lasts for 10 days or more with normal use. Antibacterial bristles help keep your brush clean for up to 3 months. Anti-Bacterial bristles inhibit microbial growth that may affect the bristles. The bristles do not kill bacteria in the mouth or protect you against disease. Always clean the product thoroughly after use. Easy to use at home or away the brushes have an antibacterial protective cap to keep the bristles clean between uses. The mint flavor leaves your mouth feeling clean and refreshed. Anti-bacterial properties are built in to inhibit growth of bacteria that may affect this product. The cap does not protect you from disease. Gum Proxabrush and Go-Betweens are registered trademarks of Sunstar Suisse SA.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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