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Primacare DS-9290-BK Classic Series Adult Dual-Head Stethoscope, 22" PVC Tubing Length, Black

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Product Name
Primacare DS-9290-BK Classic Series Adult Dual-Head Stethoscope, 22" PVC Tubing Length, Black
Product Description

The Primacare DS-9290-BK Classic Series Dual-Head Stethoscope is designed to help you monitor blood pressure and listen to your heart beat, lungs and bowel from the comfort of your own home. Its aluminium chest piece and bell are suitable for low-frequency sounds, while the diaphragm on the other side is for higher frequency sounds. This adult stethoscope also features a pair of mushroom ear tips for added comfort, plus a spare diaphragm to keep on hand. The headset is made of chrome-plated brass and is adjustable to fit you just right. The tubing is made of latex-free PVC and has a single-channel construction.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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