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Kremona Rosa Blanca Flamenco Guitar Gloss Natural

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Product Name
Kremona Rosa Blanca Flamenco Guitar Gloss Natural
Product Description

The Kremona Flamenco Series Rosa Blanca acoustic guitar offers players a clean look and sound. It snaps and rasps articulately yet burns with warmth and just the right balance to carry dancers and percussionists. The cypress and spruce construction give the Rosa Blanca a bright and powerful sound. Made of the finest materials by Kremona s most celebrated luthiers the Rosa Blanca is an essential flamenco guitar. Kremona is a privately owned and operated facility in Bulgaria that employs more than 100 people and craftsman. In a modern world Kremona builds on its rich traditional history of workmanship and excellence. Using only the finest in local materials as well as imported materials Kremona continues to improve the look feel and playability of its instruments.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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