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Curad Silver Solution Antimicrobial Gel 0.50 oz (Pack of 3)

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Product Name
Curad Silver Solution Antimicrobial Gel 0.50 oz (Pack of 3)
Product Description

Heading We help heal. Clean wound with water and blot dry. Apply a generous amount of gel to the affected area, making sure to cover beyond wound edges. Cover with a bandage. Repeat every 1-3 days, or when wound is no longer moist. To prevent from freezing, store at room temperature. Store out of direct light. Inactive Ingredients Carbomer; Glycerin; Silver Nitrate; Sodium Chloride; Triethanolamine; Water Uses Topical wound care Topical antimicrobial barrier for minor cuts, scrapes and burns. Lasts up to 3 days. Hydrates wounds. No sting or stain. Your barrier to MRSA.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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