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Mason Natural Vitamin C 500 mg - Supports Healthy Immune System Antioxidant and Essential Nutrient 250 Tablets

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Product Name
Mason Natural Vitamin C 500 mg - Supports Healthy Immune System Antioxidant and Essential Nutrient 250 Tablets
Product Description

The key benefits of Vitamin C are known to include antioxidant protection immune health and collagen building. Vitamin C may help to support immunity by encouraging healthy white blood cell activity and normal function. This is especially true for important immune B-cells (B-lymphocytes) which are critical when the body is challenged by harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C not only protects against free radicals that can damage the cells in our body but goes one step further by helping to recharge other antioxidants. Another area where Vitamin C may play an important role is in the support of collagen growth and health. Collagen is the protein that provides the basic structure and function of tissues such as skin ligaments tendons blood vessels and cartilage. Vitamin C is essential to collagen’s optimal function. The prevalence of Vitamin C in the diet varies widely depending on how many fresh fruits and vegetables are eaten. That’s why taking a Vitamin C supplement may provide some extra assurance that you are getting enough of this critical nutrient.

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Last updated
February 6, 2025

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