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Savor the South Cookbooks: Greens: A Savor the South Cookbook (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Savor the South Cookbooks: Greens: A Savor the South Cookbook (Hardcover)
Product Description

Greens--collard turnip mustard and more--are a defining staple of southern food culture. Seemingly always a part of the southern plate these cruciferous vegetables have been crucial in the nourishing of generations of southerners. Having already been celebrated in operatic terms--composer Price Walden s Leaves of Green includes this lyrical note: From age to age the South has hollered / The praises of the toothsome collard--greens now get their leafy culinary due in Thomas Head s Savor the South(R) cookbook. Head provides a fascinating culinary and natural history of greens in the South as well as an overview of the many varieties of edible greens that are popular in the region. Including practical information about cultivation selection and preparation Head also shows how greens are embraced around the world for their taste and healthfulness. The fifty-three recipes run from classic southern potlikker styles to new southern and global favorites. From Basic Southern Greens to Turnip Green Tarts to Greens Punjabi-Style cooks will find plenty of inspiration to go green.

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March 4, 2025

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