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I Can ... I WILL. Now Watch Me Eat Healthy!: Begin Your Journey Today. (Paperback)

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I Can ... I WILL. Now Watch Me Eat Healthy!: Begin Your Journey Today. (Paperback)
Product Description

As a mom student and business owner Ariel understands how hard it is to live a healthy life. She struggled with preparing meals at home every-day.Once she noticed how much weight she had gained over the years she knew she had to learn to eat much better. She began taking her health more seriously and the results showed right away. I Can ... I WILL. Now Watch Me Eat Healthy! shares the necessary tools it took for Ariel to become healthier than ever.Ariel Burrell wrote this book to encourage others that it is possible to change their mind and their diet. With a little self-motivation and educa-tion applying the information in this book will do wonders! This book was created as a tool for people to be inspired about changing their lives. Are you ready to transition from I Can to I WILL! It s time to begin your journey of getting healthy.This book is a must read for the whole family!

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December 2, 2024

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