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Feet Designed to Run Marathons (Paperback)

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Feet Designed to Run Marathons (Paperback)
Product Description

In Feet Designed to Run Marathons first time author Steven Wulin melds the wisdom of some of the smart people of the world with his humble experience as an avid runner to convince us of the uniqueness of our running equipment. He makes a compelling argument that running marathon length distances is an intrinsic part of our physical make up and a vital part of our species history.Explore our unique place as world-class long-distance s-l-o-w runners: -Your feet; Leonardo Da Vinci called the human foot ...a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art... (He was right.)-This is your feet on your body produces drugs that encourage you to run all day long-How running turns your brain into a youthful learning machine-We survived because we could run. Our cousins the Neanderthals were stronger more rugged and even had greater brain capacity and intelligence than homo sapiens...but they could not run...and we could-The more expensive the running sneaker the greater the chance of injury...the best running sneaker may be no sneaker-A human runner can beat a horse in a horse race...if it is a long-distance race. (Happens every year in Prescott Arizona)After reading Feet Designed to Run Marathons you will never look at your feet or your ability to run in the same way.Our bodies are uniquely designed to run all day long ... and that ability saved our species from extinction. Are we humans really designed to run long distances? And if we inherited that ability from our Paleolithic-Neolithic ancestors why was it important for them to run? If a human and a horse ran a marathon...which one would win?The original purpose of this book was to make the case that our feet are mechanically designed to run long distances. They are uniquely different from the feet of most other terrestrial creatures. However it becomes apparent that the rest of our bodies including our brains and our endocrine systems are all designed to run for hours without stopping...relatively slowly compared to most other creatures that hunt for food or strive not to become another creature s food...but yes we have an ability to keep running for a long time...we are endurance runners.

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March 4, 2025

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