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Visual Cryptography for Image Processing and Security: Theory Methods and Applications (Hardcover)

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Visual Cryptography for Image Processing and Security: Theory Methods and Applications (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book addresses the fundamental concepts in the theory and practice of visual cryptography. The design construction analysis and application of visual cryptography schemes (VCSs) are discussed in detail. Original cutting-edge research is presented on probabilistic size invariant threshold concolorous and cheating immune VCS. This updated second edition has also been expanded with new content on braille and 2D barcode authentication of visual cryptography shares. Features: contains review exercises at the end of each chapter as well as a helpful glossary; examines various common problems in visual cryptography including the alignment flipping cheating distortion and thin line problems; reviews a range of VCSs including XOR-based visual cryptography and security enriched VCS; describes different methods for presenting color content using visual cryptographic techniques; covers such applications of visual cryptography as watermarking resolution variant VCS and multiple resolution VCS.

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March 3, 2025

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