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Dr. Sebi: The Complete Guide to Success on The Doctor Sebi Alkaline Diet 300 Healthy and Delicious Plant Based Easy Recipes Ready in Less Than 30 Minutes. (Dr Sebi Cookbook + Food List + Meal Plan)

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Dr. Sebi: The Complete Guide to Success on The Doctor Sebi Alkaline Diet 300 Healthy and Delicious Plant Based Easy Recipes Ready in Less Than 30 Minutes. (Dr Sebi Cookbook + Food List + Meal Plan)
Product Description

DR. SEBI: 300 Healthy and Delicious Plant-Based Easy Recipes + Food List + Meal Plan./u>/h1> Do you want to know how to improve overall health remove phlegm and mucus naturally prevent some diseases such as Diabetes Herpes and high blood pressure? Do you intend to eat healthy plant-based meals to naturally detoxify lose weight and cleanse the liver? Do you know that your body s pH must be kept within a very narrow range if you want to stay alive? Do you want to reach all these goals with just ONE diet? If You Answered Yes To Any of The Above Look No Further. This is the book for you! Hello! Welcome to Dr. Sebi . If you ve given a green light to Dr. Sebi s diet then you ll want to keep reading. The adage you are what you eat has truth in it. In fact the types of food that you eat can either make or break your health. Consuming foods laden with fats salt and sugar can eventually lead to lifestyle diseases such as obesity diabetes and hypertension to name a few. While conventional medicine can help relying solely on them is not such a good idea. And with the situation of the health crisis making access to healthcare more difficult it is crucial for people to actively take charge of their health. One of the things that people can do to take charge of their health is to make important changes in their diet. While there are so many types of diets that people can adopt to improve their health it is imperative to choose those that can make significant improvements to health. This is where plant-based diets come in. There are numerous types of plant-based diets that you can try however it is essential to opt for those that will give your body the reset as well as the boost that your immune system needs. Homemade meals are the best to keep you inclined the healthy eating plan. The goal of this book is simple. It wants to help you know more about Dr. Sebi diet providing you a complete cookbook a food list and a meal plan to master this plant-based diet. Other things You will also learn in the book include: What is Dr. Sebi Diet. How Dr. Sebi Diet Helps in Weight Loss Diabetes and Lowering Blood Pressure. Detox Cleanse and Nutritional Liver Detox. Doctor Sebi Inspired Recipes (Starter Soups Salads Main Dishes Sauces Special Ingredients Snacks Bread Desserts Smoothies etc...). 21-Day Plan Dr. Sei Food List. And Much More... You should buy this book if you: Want to understand this diet and its benefits to improve overall health rejuvenate your cells by eliminating toxic waste through alkalizing your blood Want to learn more on how to cure diabetes high blood pressure and detox your organs through Dr. Sebi alkaline diet. Want a complete cookbook with 300 Healthy and Delicious Plant Based Easy Recipes Ready in Less Than 30 Minutes. Need a food list and a meal plan to go deeper into this diet.You have got to make a decision right now. Will you keep living the way you are possibly suffering from something your doctor says they can t do anything or will you change the way you eat and heal your body?

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March 4, 2025

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