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Incra 6In Precision Marking Ruler

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Product Name
Incra 6In Precision Marking Ruler
Product Description

INCRA Precision Marking Rules. At first glance you might think you are looking at an ordinary ruler. But look closer and you will see micro-fine marking holes and slots every 1/16 1/32 and 1/64 to instantly locate a sharp pencil point or scribe EXACTLY where you want it. No more squinting as you try to line up your pencil on that blur of lines along the edge of your old steel rule. Even when the lighting is less than perfect you can effortlessly place your mark precisely on target with zero uncertainty zero parallax and zero eye strain. Who would have thought there was so much room for improvement in the common ruler. There WAS and INCRA RULES is it! Available in 6 12 and 18 lengths. Engraved stainless steel.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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