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Source Naturals Coenzymated B-6 25mg P-5 Pyridoxal-5 Phosphate Fast-Acting Quick Dissolve Sublingual Vitamin Supports Amino Acid Metabolism* - 30 Lozenges

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Product Name
Source Naturals Coenzymated B-6 25mg P-5 Pyridoxal-5 Phosphate Fast-Acting Quick Dissolve Sublingual Vitamin Supports Amino Acid Metabolism* - 30 Lozenges
Product Description

n order for vitamins to be utilized by the body they must first be converted into their active coenzyme forms. This Coenzymated™ B-6 goes directly into your bloodstream in its active form ready to go to work immediately. This avoids the loss that may occur not only during digestion but during the liver’s conversion process as well. Pyridoxal-5´-Phosphate (PLP or P-5´-P) is the main meta- bolically active coenzyme form of vitamin B-6. It is primarily in the liver that P-5´-P is synthesized from pyridoxine with the help of enzymes that require B-2 zinc and magnesium for their activity. P-5´-P is associated with numerous enzymes many of which are involved in the conversion of amino acids into the neurotransmit- ters dopamine norepinephrine and serotonin. P-5´-P is also required for the synthesis of the hemoglobin molecule.*

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December 7, 2024

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