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El Guapo Hulled Pumpkin Seed (Pepita de Calabaza Sin Cascara), 2 oz Bag

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Product Name
El Guapo Hulled Pumpkin Seed (Pepita de Calabaza Sin Cascara), 2 oz Bag
Product Description

El Guapo Hulled Pumpkin Seed (Pepita de Calabaza Sin Cascara), 2 oz Bag. Hulled Pumpkin Seed (Pepita de Calabaza Sin Cáscara) adds wonderful nuttiness and crunch to granola, baked goods and salads. Also know as pepitas, the shells have been removed which makes them so convenient to use. These versatile seeds are popular in Mexican cuisine, especially for mole and pipián sauces for chicken, turkey and pork. They can be pureed with chiles and tomatoes to make a Yucatan salsa or fried in oil with sesame seeds, chiles and garlic for salsa macha. Pepitas are enjoyed as snack when roasted and seasoned with spices For the past 30 years, El Guapo has provided ingredients to make delicious, authentic Mexican meals for your family. This El Guapo Hulled Pumpkin Seed (Pepita de Calabaza Sin Cascara) is in a Plastic bag that is 2 ounces. Store this shelf-stable item at an ambient temperature.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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