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Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Pack: Kaiba Booster Pack

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Product Name
Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Pack: Kaiba Booster Pack
Product Description

How could you make a Yugi but not a Kaiba Duelist Pack?! Problem solved! Our friends from Konami are gonna treat us to this awesome new Duelist Pack set focusing solely around Kaiba s most beloved cards! But of course that means the introduction of a brand new Blue Eyes White Dragon and this one s gonna have a new Effect as well. Normally Duelist Pack sets contain 30 cards but Konami couldn t help but increase the set to 40 different cards due to the vast arsenal that Kaiba possessed... (being the owner of Kaiba Corp. and all). Here s some of the highlight to be on the lookout for: * New Artwork for XYZ-Dragon Cannon Vorse Raider Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and even Dragon Master Knight. * Ultimate Rare s Yeah! Look out for the Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Cyber Jar and Pot of Greed along with 2 others yet to be unveiled. * Finally a Super Rare version of Return from the Different Dimension.

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Last updated
December 17, 2024

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