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VideoSecu Tilt Ceiling Projector Mount Height Extendable Universal LCD DLP Swivel Rotate Bracket Black Loading 44lbs B13

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Product Name
VideoSecu Tilt Ceiling Projector Mount Height Extendable Universal LCD DLP Swivel Rotate Bracket Black Loading 44lbs B13
Product Description

The projector ceiling mount is attractive strong and light weight. Durable finish comes with the latest design in safety flexibility and value for most of today s popular LCD projectors. No-Slip adjustment system allows you to quickly and easily fine tune your projector adjustments in order to achieve a perfectly square image. Once your projector is adjusted it will stay true for as long as you require it to. The unique designed arms allow the safe installation for expensive projectors and it offers adjustment for width and depth giving maximum versatility for a wide variety of projectors. The mounting system comes with everything you need to assemble a complete mount in a single box. By using the included telescoping ceiling column the mount extends from the ceiling 18 - 26.7 .

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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