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Turtle Beach Recon 70 Arctic Camo Multiplatform Gaming Headset for Xbox X Xbox S PS5 PS4 NSW Mobile & PC

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Product Name
Turtle Beach Recon 70 Arctic Camo Multiplatform Gaming Headset for Xbox X Xbox S PS5 PS4 NSW Mobile & PC
Product Description

Featuring Turtle Beach’s latest lightweight and comfortable headset design for hours of play with high-quality 40mm speakers and over-ear premium synthetic leather cushions that let you hear every crisp high and thundering low while blocking noise. The RECON 70 is also surround sound ready for Xbox One and compatible Windows 10 PCs and optimized for Microsoft’s powerful Windows Sonic for Headphones. Finally the versatile 3.5mm connection makes it perfect for swapping between Xbox One and PS4™ controllers Nintendo Switch as well as PC and compatible mobile devices.

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Last updated
December 21, 2024

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