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The Knock Out® Family of Roses The Red Double Knock Out® Rose Live Shrub in 1-Gallon Grower Pot

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Product Name
The Knock Out® Family of Roses The Red Double Knock Out® Rose Live Shrub in 1-Gallon Grower Pot
Product Description

Test out your green thumb by growing Rose Double Knock Out Red. They are low maintenance disease resistant drought tolerant and self cleaning. Because of the characteristics knock out roses have quickly become one of the most popular and sought after roses for gardeners everywhere in North America. They make a welcome addition to a landscape or garden. This red knock out roses type produces single-form medium flowers with seven to eleven petals which re-bloom every four to six weeks. They allow you to maintain a beautiful garden or front yard with very little maintenance. These beautiful flowers are even suitable to grow in drought-stricken areas because they are resistant to the effects of a drought and bloom where they are planted. These blushing knockout roses are extremely easy to grow and look beautiful in full bloom. The flowers bloom from the spring until the first frost providing long lasting beauty wherever you chose to plant them.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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