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Kaplan Test Prep: ACT for Busy Students: 15 Simple Steps to Tackle the ACT (Paperback)

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Kaplan Test Prep: ACT for Busy Students: 15 Simple Steps to Tackle the ACT (Paperback)
Product Description

Kaplan s ACT for Busy Students provides streamlined prep to help you score higher even if you re short on study time. Targeted review essential practice and expert advice aid you in mastering the most important skills so you can face the test with confidence. Kaplan Test Prep is the Official Partner for Live Online Prep for the ACT. For more information visit Kaplan is so certain that ACT for Busy Students offers the guidance you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book you ll score higher on the ACT--or your money back. Essential Review Review the most important skills and concepts for all sections of the ACT 1 full-length practice test with complete answer explanations Customized step-by-step study schedules based on how much time you have until the test More than 250 practice questions Strategies and tips for the optional Writing testExpert Guidance Kaplan s expert teachers make sure our tests are true to the ACT 9 out of 10 Kaplan students get into one or more of their top choice colleges

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March 4, 2025

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