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Mobil Delvac 1300 Super Heavy Duty Synthetic Blend Diesel Engine Oil 15W-40 5 Gal

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Product Name
Mobil Delvac 1300 Super Heavy Duty Synthetic Blend Diesel Engine Oil 15W-40 5 Gal
Product Description

Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40 is a high-performance synthetic blend diesel engine oil that helps to extend engine life for diesel vehicles and equipment used in on and off-highway applications. Mobil Delvac 1300 Super is developed in collaboration with top OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and is recommended for a wide range of heavy-duty applications like the trucking mining construction agricultural and marine industries. This engine oil helps to deliver extended performance for up to 50% beyond OEM-recommended oil drain intervals.* Mobil Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40 is a fully backward-compatible oil that works to deliver excellent soot and viscosity control. Mobil Delvac 1300 Super diesel engine oil has outstanding resistance to oil consumption as well as resistance to corrosive and abrasive wear. For nearly a century Mobil Delvac is the diesel engine oil of choice for the world’s leading heavy-duty original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)** and helps protect your engine to keep you going strong on the road. Formulated to meet or exceed the requirements of API CH-4 CI-4 CI-4 PLUS CJ-4 CK-4 SN JASO DH-2-17 ACEA E7 ACEA E9 Caterpillar ECF-3 Cummins CES 20086 and Isuzu DEO (with DPD Equipped Vehicles). Approved by the following OEMs: Deutz DQC II-10 LA Detroit Fluids Specification 93K218 Detroit Fluids Specification 93K222 Mack EOS-4.5 Mack EO-O Premium Plus MB-Approval 228.31 Renault Trucks RLD-3 MAN M 3575 MAN M 3275-1 Volvo VDS-4 Volvo VDS-4.5. (*Results may vary based on vehicle/engine condition driving and environmental conditions. Consult OEM or ExxonMobil before implementing extended ODIs. **Compared to a SAE 15W-40 conventional engine oil. Savings are dependent on vehicle engine type outside temperature driving conditions and your current engine oil viscosity.)

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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