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Yu-Gi-Oh Clash of Rebellions Booster Pack

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Product Name
Yu-Gi-Oh Clash of Rebellions Booster Pack
Product Description

The Clash of Rebellions booster set includes 100 cards: 48 Common Cards 20 Rare Cards 14 Super Rare Cards 10 Ultra Rare Cards and 8 Secret Rare Cards. New Red-Eyes cards make a big comeback fiery new Deck themes burst onto the stage and more new cards for the latest Decks!Red-Eyes Monsters make a big return after almost two years behind the scenes! Clash of Rebellions introduces brand new cards to go with Joeys Red-Eyes dragon theme from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series. Many of these cards will have synergy with cards from Legendary Collection 4: Joeys World. Clash of Rebellions also presents brand new Deck themes thatll light up the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG tournament scene: fiery new Igknight Monsters burn up their own men to Summon gigantic soldiers flowery Aromages pump up your Life Points and gain extra powers while youre ahead and a brand new Deck theme based on one of the most popular American fairy tales ever known that will continue to be supported in sub

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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