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BEABA Toddler’s Self Feeding Silicone Spoons Toddler Utensils Toddler Spoons Drizzle

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Product Name
BEABA Toddler’s Self Feeding Silicone Spoons Toddler Utensils Toddler Spoons Drizzle
Product Description

BEABA’s Toddler Spoons are second stage baby spoons designed specifically for babies learning to self-feed. The short ergonomic handle helps tiny uncoordinated hands easily grasp the toddler spoon. The wider spoon shape assists babies in scooping up the perfect amount of food. Made of ultra supple silicone that’s kind to baby’s gums and teeth the toddler spoons are completely seamless & hygienic – this means no leftover food stuck in any little crevices! Speaking of hygiene the spoon and its contents have been designed not to touch the table when placed down.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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