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Pre-Owned The Real ACT 3rd Edition (Paperback) 076893432X 9780768934328

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Product Name
Pre-Owned The Real ACT 3rd Edition (Paperback) 076893432X 9780768934328
Product Description

The Real ACT is the only book with insider test-taking tips and strategy practice tests and insight from the makers of the ACT. This comprehensive guide has everything one needs to know about the ACT-test content structure and format info The only guide that includes 5 previously administered full-length ACT tests written by the actual test maker (including 2 NEW practice tests) ACT content and procedures you ll follow when actually taking the test Valuable information about tuition payment plans All the question types you can expect to find on the ACT Suggestions on how you might approach the questions and Peterson s tried-and-true test-taking strategies and tips

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March 4, 2025

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