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Pokémon: The Johto Journeys - The Complete Collection (Box Set) [DVD]

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Product Name
Pokémon: The Johto Journeys - The Complete Collection (Box Set) [DVD]
Product Description

Upon returning to Pallet Town Ash and Misty reunite with Brock and set out on the next stage of their Pokemon journey - the Johto region! Though he still has an errand to run for Professor Oak Ash jumps with both feet into the Johto League taking on a couple of Gym Leaders and adding Pokemon like Totodile and Chikorita to his team.Upon returning to Pallet Town Ash and Misty reunite with Brock and set out on the next stage of their Pokemon journey - the Johto region! Though he still has an errand to run for Professor Oak Ash jumps with both feet into the Johto League taking on a couple of Gym Leaders and adding Pokemon like Totodile and Chikorita to his team.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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