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Febreze Fabric Spray Air Freshener Odor-Fighting Pet Odor Fighter 67.6 oz Refill

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Product Name
Febreze Fabric Spray Air Freshener Odor-Fighting Pet Odor Fighter 67.6 oz Refill
Product Description

Are your fabrics suffering from unpleasant odors? It’s likely they are as everyday smells have an uncanny ability to permeate and linger in household textiles. Combat those stubborn scents with a swift application of Febreze Fabric Refresher. This exceptional fabric spray air freshener is your trusted solution for revitalizing a multitude of hard-to-wash materials throughout your home from upholstered sofas and cherished quilts passed down from Grandma to whimsical throw pillows and beyond. To use simply spray the fabric spray air freshener until it is lightly damp allow it to dry and revel in a space free from unwelcome odors. This Febreze fabric spray air freshener is expertly formulated to ensure your living environment remains inviting and fresh effortlessly transforming your atmosphere. For those seeking a more continuous approach to odor elimination consider incorporating a Febreze Plug Air Freshener which provides hours of enduring freshness in both your favorite rooms and those that require a bit more attention. With this versatile fabric spray air freshener at your disposal you can effectively tackle persistent odors and cultivate a more welcoming ambiance. Discover the delightful scent of Pet Odor Fighter in this fabric spray air freshener refill offering and breathe new life into your home. 67.6 fl oz refill

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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