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Pre-Owned The Hero of Numbani (an Overwatch Original Novel): Volume 1 (Paperback) 133857597X 9781338575972

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Pre-Owned The Hero of Numbani (an Overwatch Original Novel): Volume 1 (Paperback) 133857597X 9781338575972
Product Description

The world still needs heroes. Are you with us? Enter the first-ever original novel for Overwatch the worldwide gaming sensation from Blizzard Entertainment In the technologically advanced African city of Numbani in the not-so-distant future humans live in harmony with humanoid robots known as omnics. But when a terrorist tries to shatter that unity a hero named Efi Oladele rises Efi has been making robots since she was little -- machines to better her community and improve people s lives. But after she witnesses Doomfist s catastrophic attack on the city s OR15 security bots Efi feels the call to build something greater: a true guardian of Numbani.While Doomfist sows discord between humans and omnics Efi engineers an intelligent and compassionate robot Orisa named after the powerful spirits who guide her people. Orisa has a lot to learn before she s ready to defeat Doomfist but Efi has some learning to do too especially when it comes to building -- and being -- a hero. With Doomfist rallying his forces and the military powerless to stop him can Efi mold Orisa into the hero of Numbani before it s too late?This action-packed novel features the fan-favorite characters Efi Orisa Doomfist and L cio in an all-new original story straight from the minds of the Overwatch game team and critically acclaimed author Nicky Drayden

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February 7, 2025

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