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Ideas in History : Journal of the Nordic Society for the History of Ideas 8:2 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Ideas in History : Journal of the Nordic Society for the History of Ideas 8:2 (Paperback)
Product Description

Ideas in History is the result of collaborative efforts among nearly a dozen universities and colleges throughout the Nordic countries. The purpose of these initiatives is to further awareness of research resources and activities in the field of intellectual history in the Nordic countries as well as internationally. The journal aims to create a meeting ground for the study of ideas in historical context across disciplinary geographical and institutional boundaries. Ideas in History welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to intellectual history at the same time it acknowledges specific traditions in the field. Ideas in History seeks a pluralism of methodological approaches to intellectual history: reflections on the field historical contexts studied subject matter for intellectual-historical investigation critical understandings of relations between the intellectual past and present as well as the comprehension of culturally politically and geographically diverse intellectual traditions.

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March 4, 2025

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